FunHaus Factory - Cult Vault Classic Film Series
21 June

Cult Vault Classic Film Series

Fun Haus Factory, Gosford

Presented by FunHaus Factory
Barbarella - “Queen of the Galaxy”

Ended on Friday, 21 June 2024

Why stay in on the couch, when you can be out with your mates sitting on our couch?

It's movie night at our Haus as CULT VAULT turns up the weird-camp dial with this spectacular artifact from 60's cinema, Barbarella.

Based on the French comic series of the same name by Jean-Claude Forest.
Jane Fonda stars as a space-traveller and representative of the United Earth government sent to find scientist Durand Durand, who has created a weapon that could destroy humanity.

Featuring an iconic lounge-inspired soundtrack and oft-imitated production design.
Roger Vadim's cult science-fiction comedy incensed the National Catholic Office for Motion Pictures at the time for its hypersexual surrealism. Now seen as a pop culture cornerstone that has rumoured to be on the verge of a remake countless times only for the update never to materialise. (Re)discover BARBARELLA on the Funhaus Factory's Cult Vault cinema screen in all its gaudy glory.

In Person
2 hours
Sex scenes, nudity, violence, gore, alcohol, drugs & smoking

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FunHaus Factory

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We are an Arts and Entertainment incubator and production haus. This is where the fun happens, where creativity and exploration brings people together, connecting artist, audience, ideas and possibilities..
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