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Sydney Philharmonia Choirs Christmas Choir 2024

Friday, 21 June 2024 Limelight

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Christmas is a time for singing and this year you can raise your voice at the Sydney Opera House and sing Hallelujah' in Handel's mighty Messiah oratorio. Join in with hundreds of other singers on the stage with a full orchestra, professional soloists and your friends and family in the audience.

Sydney Philharmonia Choirs' Christmas Choir is open to singers of any level from novice to well-experienced.
You can experience the absolute joy that comes from singing in a choir, as well as the physical and mental benefits, and bragging rights after concerts.

For over 100 years, SPC has performed Messiah in Sydney and this year we are lucky to be conducted by the renowned Handel expert Graham Abbott.

Register by Monday 21 October.
Rehearsals commence on Thursday 31 October. Read the information and get ready to make this year's Christmas season unforgettable with your live performances at the Sydney Opera House.

Christmas is a time for singing and celebration and we do it in style at Sydney Philharmonia Choirs.
This year we will sing Handel's magnificent oratorio Messiah in the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall and we invite members of the community to sing in our Christmas Choir, joined on stage by members..

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