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Meet five-year-old Beatrice who loves to sing

Saturday, 8 June 2024 Central Coast Conservatorium of Music

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Meet five-year-old Beatrice who loves to sing. In fact she sings all day long, according to her Dad who brought her for her first singing lesson with vocal teacher Michaele Archer yesterday.

Although she's very young, she's a natural, said Michaele after the lesson, where Beatrice sang her favourite song, Twinkle Twinkle, and had fun making up a song about eating broccoli

It was a joy to see Beatrice sing in to the microphone which such confidence!
Central Coast Conservatorium offers vocal lessons for all ages - from five to 95! If you would like to learn to sing, head to our website or phone 4324 7477 and speak to our friendly team.

#minivoices #singinglessonscentralcoast #learntosing.

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